British Army demonstrates warfighting capability in Germany
The General Officer Commanding (GOC) Tactical Group moving accross Sennelager training area to visit a brigade headquarters under validation on Exercise CERBERUS 24
In October 2024, thousands of British troops and hundreds of vehicles deployed to Sennelager, Germany, on Exercise CERBERUS 2024. The main aim of this bi-annual exercise is to train and validate six Brigade Headquarters of the combat ready war fighting 3rd (United Kingdom) Division in a simulated environment. The exercise was almost one year in the making and designed by specialists from the UK’s Land Warfare Centre.
Officers of the Division conducting Rehersal of Concept (ROC) drills prior to Exercise CERBERUS commencing.
16 Air Assault Brigade Combat Team, 12 Armoured Brigade Combat Team, 7th Mechanised Brigade Combat Team, 20 Armoured Brigade Combat Team, 101 Operational Sustainment Brigade and 1st Aviation Brigade Combat Team took part in the exercise making full use of the excellent facilities at the UK’s NATO Forward Holding Base in Sennelager, and a 120 square kilometre training area next to the barracks.
Vehicle mounted Infantry of the Bundeswehr using Eagle Infantry mobility vehicles on Exercise CERBERUS 24.
The British troops were joined by colleagues from the German Army. Panzerlehrbrigade 9 deployed from their base in northern Germany to Sennelager, the first time a German HQ has participated in Ex CEREBERUS, and like their British colleagues, were subjected to the sternest of tests on this large-scale Command Post exercise. Exercises such as CERBERUS enhance interoperability and regional understanding whilst demonstrating the ability to respond rapidly to defend and support European allies.
Brigadier Lutz Kuhn (r.), Commander of the Bundeswehr's Panzerlehrbrigade 9, in conversation with the Commanding Officer of German-British Amphibious Pioneer Battalion 130, Lt. Col Florian Loges.
Officers of Headquarters Panzerlehrbrigade 9 of the Bundeswehr in their ncommand post on Exercise CERBERUS 24.
This exercise underlines the UK’s and the British Army’s commitment to NATO and the collective security of Europe by offering 3 (UK) Div’s contribution to a Strategic Reserve Corps to NATO’s New Force Model.